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Our marketing team members are very skilled workers. They have plenty of knowledge and skills to execute effective marketing strategy in order to achieve their given targets within the appropriate time.


  • Capable of running multiple email marketing campaigns and track results accordingly. We usually prefer creating interactive templates using Mail Chimp, Benchmark and other email marketing services.

  • Design attractive service proposals, presentations, flyers, and other modes to launch effective email marketing campaign. We commonly use Canva to design such templates.

  • Have the experience, stays updated with current market trends and have the confidence to execute accordingly to get results.

  • They generate the best leads for direct marketing campaigns. We commonly receive lead generation work from our clients. We use the most effective and most expensive marketing tools in order to gather leads.

  • For example you have a graphic design outsourcing company and you need leads for your marketing team. We use LinkedIn sales navigator which allows you to use the most useful filters to target specific industry businesses to generate the best leads available in the market. By using LinkedIn premium services we find excellent leads which are unknown to other LinkedIn users, not even premium business plan users.

  • If you need outbound and inbound call representatives then you are in the right place. We have some of the best calling agents in this industry with excellent track records. Each agent makes sufficient calls per day, create reports accordingly about their daily progress and submit daily reports end of day. You will be provided with each and every call recordings and other details. They are pretty good at working under pressure and achieving revenue targets within a given period of time.

Marketing Team
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